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Kinder Gardeners 


Ages 4-6  | $450   | Spring 2024  

Beginning May 2nd

8 week program *no class June 20th

Thursdays 10:00am - 12:30pm | Mornings*


*Want a full day kinder program? Register for Kinder Gardeners (Thursday mornings)  & Kinder Forest  (Thursday afternoons) and receive our special bundle pricing. Email us for details!

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**You should receive a 'Welcome Email' within 24 - 72 hours of submission. If you are a new registrant we will reach out to set up a meet and greet/tour.

Our gardening program is ripe with fun  activities, picture books and weekly themed lessons, cultivated to provide budding farmers and gardening enthusiasts with hands-on experience in the garden. Lessons, stories, activities, games, and art take place in the children's garden or around a campfire.


This spring we dive into the ABCs of growing and harvesting and the important role our pollinators play. Helpful tips and tools are explored with focused learning opportunities to inspire a connection with seeds, plants  and sustainability. Children will be hands on while we prep the soil, plant seeds, learn about companion planting, weed, water, and eventually harvest the fruits of our labour.  


Week over week, with a plotted space of farm land to pour love (and hard work) into, children gain a genuine sense of pride and satisfaction as they connect with nature in order to grow and then harvest their own food. Learning how to nurture a garden and grow food is a rewarding and beautiful way to feel inspired by the earth’s offerings. It can help to expand consciousness, nurture our resources and gain an appreciation for all that goes into growing the food that sustains us.  As the saying goes.. “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”.



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